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Beginner & Master's Runners New to Strength Training: Your Guide to Stronger Quads & Glutes

Writer: Marie WhittMarie Whitt

If you're a runner new to strength training, I want you to listen up.

Biggest lesson that will pay off IMMEDIATLY:

stop worrying about it.


Yes, the first couple workouts are going to feel awkward.

Yes, you're probably going to be a touch sore.

Yes, you'll want to watch the demo exercise video 5 more times and as neurotically as pulling out the mac and cheese instructions from the trashcan.


And it's ok.

Just go for it.


Too many runners worry about:

squatting right.

Lunging correctly.

And stay away from deadlifts because they look scary.


And I get it.

Because I was there too.


So here me when I say, it takes practice.

It's just practice.


How many times does it take for us to go out too fast until we learn?

Too many.

How many times do we need to tweak our fueling strategy until we get it just right?

A lot.

How many times till it sticks in our brains that we have to do our prehab/PT exercises to PREVENT an injury from happening and not try to magically fix it at the sign of a first niggle?

(yea, I'm looking at you…)


So get out of your own head.

And just practice


I know you're worried about hurting yourself.

That's a legit concern.

And that's why I wanted to create an exercise routine that is incredibly beginner friendly.


But don't run away yet…


If you're a mature, masters, or a general older bad-ass runner whose not looking to be a fit-spo, gym-bro, You're just looking for a way to keep your hips and knees strong so you can keep running into your 80's, these will work for you!


Let's hop in.


*KEEP IN MIND: I know.

I know some of these will be incredibly too easy for some runners but a challenge for others. But I want to show you how to adapt an exercise and make it a touch harder. This way, you have the knowledge. And it's easier than you think!



4 sets each // Medium & Heavy weights // 8 reps each or 8 on each side


Box Squat

  • 8 reps X HEAVY weight

Assisted (or unassisted) Alternating Backwards Lunge

  • 8 Reps each leg X medium to heavy weight

Split Stance Squat from a Box

  • 30 Reps X medium to heavy weight


Box Squat

  • Don't whimp out: Heavy weight is encouraged here because you have the box as support

  • THE POINT: if you've ever worried about your squat and whether you're doing it correctly, this is how you make it fool proof.

  • Literally, just sit down on the box or bench. And stand up. And sit down. And stand up. That's it. (not even joking).

  • When you feel confident with that, take away the box or bench and pretend you're sitting back into a chair. Then add a weight. Let it be easy.  

Backwards Lunge (with help and without help)

  • sometimes, you just have to dive in...

  • If you think you have bad balance, it's ok to use one hand to steady yourself on a box, railing, bench etc while stepping backwards and lunging.

  • THE POINT: has a runner, you have a solemn obligation to work on your single leg balance since that's what running is

  • Holding a weight with the other hand is recommended because we still want to lift heavy. (body weight is not going to save you from injuries!)

  • But avoid the common mistake of crumpling forward by thinking "Chest up!"

  • When you're ready to spice it up, try the backwards lunge without holding onto anything and alternate sides with heavy weight for an added balance challenge.  

Split Stance Squat a Box

  • This is probably one of my favorite variations because this exercise can help build amazing single leg strength while still being kind to knees

  • If you need to, try the motion with out weight at first. When you're ready, grab a heavy weight because body weight doesn't cut it for long ;)

  • The leg tucked back should hold 90% of your body weight. Front leg: only 10%

  • THE MAGIC: this exercise helps you gradually work your up way up to a standing split squat and then into a Bulgarian split squat 


When exactly can you use these exercises thought?


IF you're a runner whose....

  • taken a break and you're looking for somewhere to start...

  • coming back from an injury and you NEED to do something to get better faster so you don't lose your mind...

  • needs an at-home or travel-friendly strength circuit...

  • worried about getting so sore you can't move the next day…


Did I miss anyone?


The final take away point:

Every strength workout is practice.

Just like every run is NOT race day…

And 80% of our runs are easy runs..


You don't need to PR every lift.

You don't have to worry about every form mistake.

That's why there are mirrors in the gym

(I promise; they're not just for flexing and gym selfies).


Trust me: I still catch myself with funky form sometimes.

Especially when I'm tired.

So just know you're not the only one practicing.

(PSST! Want more practice and at-home friendly strength exercises for runners? Grab my FREE strength guide for runners HERE!)

Until next time, running fit fam...

Dare to Train Differently,

Marie Whitt, PT, DPT //

P.S. if you want some other exercises to practice with, I've got you covered! Check out my FREE strength guide for runners for HERE!


1 Comment

Paul Albhouse
Aug 13, 2024

Marie, this was awesome. It’s like…it’s like…you created this with me in mind! 🤣 It’s a great starting point for older runners, like me, who may be afraid of taking on more than they can handle, something that will result in an injury, possibly taking them away from running. Thank you! 🙌

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