@dr.whitt.fit was started on a whim.
Almost by accident.
It was one of those covid repercussions and consequences of quarantine and spare time.
I happily "blame" it's existance on a co-worker. (I'm looking at you, @rachelcorden!)
But with time, purpose, and pivoting, it's grown into something more than just a whim.
It's become vibrant. A community.
All thanks to YOU, running fit fam.
Can I take you back to where it all started?

The origin story goes something like this…
I was still at my very first big-girl physical therapy job. I just finished my note on the last patient of the day and was returning a phone call. Like so many of us in early spring 2020, I heard those words I never, ever expected.
"I'm sorry, but we have to furlough you. Do not show up to work on Monday…."
I stood there shocked and in free fall. In my gut, I knew I would never be showing back up to work. So in tears, I drove home late that evening, grief stricken that I lost my job, angry that I had to leave my patients without even a goodbye, and completely uncertain as to what I was going to do next. This was NOT how I saw my physical therapy career going.
Little did I know the blessings that were in store.
Just one of them was I finally returned to running after a 2.5 year break.
I fell in love again with the sport. I had the energy and the time to devote to it again. I couldn't believe the feeling of NOT running on an empty tank. I'd been physically, mentally, and emotionally drained for so long that running felt more like a chore rather than an exciting adventure.
Fast forward to July of 2020: @dr.whitt.fit was born.
But without a clear vision of what and where I wanted to go with this account, I floundered around and chased shiny Instagram objects.
Then something magical happened.
I hired on at my dream job in December of 2020.
All of sudden, I was growing and flourishing…and panicking!
There was so much to learn, so much I didn't know, so much I wanted to do!...
It wasn't until March 2021 that I took all that nervous energy and made a decision to become a running account and start a community.
My mission grew clearer as I realized through my physical therapy practice just how much NEED is in the running community.
When I saw this over and over again, I wanted to give back! I realized I had answers, solutions, ideas that would help steer other runners in the right direction, help resolve confusion, and possibly even take away pain.
I challenged myself: How can I sit on the sidelines if I know I have answers that other runners need? The answers even I needed just 5 years ago?
So pushing the fear aside, I dove in head first and committed to YOU, running fit fam.
I committed to answering your questions.
Challenging your limiting beliefs.
Helping you solve your problems.
I also realized, with the information I'm sharing, I'm asking a lot of YOU!
I'm asking you to trust me.
To let me into your space.
Take some of your precious time.
I'm challenging you to think differently, consider different viewpoints, and put these concepts into action!
That's a big ask!
But you haven't balked.
You've come through.
You haven't given up!
And I can't say thank you enough.

Thank you for being a part of this community, this running fit fam. For looking at running through a different lens and exploring the concepts of mobility, strength, speed, and movement as it relates to running and what it MEANS for runners.
I know it's a lot easier to just run, foam roll, do a plank or two and call it a day.
But if you're here…if you're a part of this community, you are NOT a mediocre runner.
You are committed to success.
To improving your run.
To expanding your horizons and challenging yourself on a daily basis.
You're NOT just content to "jog". You run, no matter how slow or fast the pace. You are a runner. And you are proud.
And I'm proud to have you here.
My goal going forward is to continue supporting you.
To continue answering your questions.
To provide resources that you need which help you run your best and injury free for many years to come.
I want to create a space where every runner is welcome-whether you're a beginner just learning what a 5k is or you're an ultramarathoner who runs 25 miles in a day without batting an eye.
I want to grow this account and community so it's known for its people, for YOU!, and how YOU support each other and how we lift each other up.
Because when one of us rises, we all rise.
When one of us has an answer, we all benefit.
All our questions matter.
All our stories matter.
Because we are runners.
And we are the running fit fam.
Run strong,
Marie Whitt // @dr.whitt.fit